He was treated as someone who was special, adored, treasured, lavished upon and loved. So much so that his father gave him a coat of many colors. One that I am sure was expensive, beautiful and made him feel like the king of the world in his father's house. As a young boy, I wonder if this made him somewhat arrogant and that is why his brothers hated him so much. Did he flaunt his status in front of them, taunt them with his father's special treatment of him, or glide around the house like a peacock in his beautiful coat?
If I were his brothers, that would make me feel less than, inferior and substandard. As a matter of fact, I have felt that way many times in my life. Often feeling like someone else was getting the better end of the deal. I have complained, griped, pitched a fit and well, just got plain angry. I never sold anyone into slavery per se, but I probably placed them into some kind of bondage with my bad attitudes towards them and even my unkind words.
So today, as I walk in the knowledge that I am God's favorite, I also recognize that so is every other follower of Christ...and although I am loved, cherished and adored by the God of the universe, I will wear MY coat of many colors with humility because I know that the red blood of Christ is what makes me God's favorite and I had NOTHING to do with it, and I deserve NOTHING either.
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