Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is normal?

This word normal.  It is a surreal word for me these days. I am really not sure that I have any idea what NORMAL really means to me, to my children, to my husband, or to my friends.  It seems to me that the whole world is struggling with something.  Something that weighs heavy on our hearts, minds and bodies every day.  A burden placed upon us by the world we live in, the choices we make, or by the choices that someone else makes and the consequences land upon us.

I have had a great deal of time to think today.  I have unplugged most of the day, spent time outside with my family and then spent the entire afternoon riding a sky lift where I realized several things:
  • A sky lift is really just an escalator on steroids
  • Change is hard
  • Life is hard
  • Siblings are really hard on one other
  • Mountains are rocky terrain that are hard to climb as you try to escape the valley
  • The view from the mountain top is beyond beautiful to behold
  • Going down the mountain can be just as dangerous - if not more so - than going up
  • Normal does not exist - FOR ANYONE
Life is not normal.  So the realization is that since no one is normal, no family is normal, no circumstance is normal, then the fact that I feel so messed up some days makes me PERFECTLY NORMAL!

This life is hard for all of us, but the days of climbing mountains (or taking the stairs) will surely be worth it in the end.  God's grace is sufficient for me - even me!  On my worst days.  When my life feels completely out of my control.  When frustration, fear, pain and anger cloud my every thought for the day.  His grace is sufficient to cover ALL that for ME.

Good thing too, because I really need it.  So I guess all I can really say is welcome to the "new normal" of not being normal at all!

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