Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hello Blogging World

I just LOVE roller coasters! Especially the kind that turn your stomach inside out and make you feel as though you may never know what it is to walk upright again! I just think they are the best kind of rush available and the ups and downs just make the ride all the more enjoyable.

However, life's ups and downs are so much harder to enjoy. Why is that? Why can I fully enjoy the ride of a roller coaster, and even compare my life to one, but when it comes right down to it, I really hate the downs in life?

But isn't that true of all of us. We all want the ups, the mountaintops, the highs, the soaring on eagle's wings, but rarely do we really appreciate the downs, the trials, the frustrations, the hurts and the stumbles along the way.

As an avid believer in journaling, it stands to reason that in this current day and age it is finally time to start posting some of my insights about this ride we call life to share with my friends the incredible things that God is teaching me as I try to remember to simply enjoy the entire ride.

"Trials Trumped" is a play on one of my favorite games...Eucher!

You may not be familiar with this fantastic card game, but it similar to spades or hearts where one suit trumps another. It is one of the joys in our life - especially with my best friend Fer Fer and her husband.

When we had no money, and were short on things we could go and do, playing Eucher became our "any night of the week" event. We would have neighbors over for dinner and play Eucher. The next night we were at their house...and so on and so on and so on.

As a matter of fact there was one Friday night I remember where we sat and played for hours listening to Friday night 80's on Star 94 - we called the station, got on the air, and they played that segment for years to come! It is a great reminder to me of friends, and laughter, and real honest to goodness clean fun!

Anyway, I decided somewhere along the way that the trials in life really were like a Eucher game and could ALWAYS be trumped by something bigger: THE RIGHT!

Note: The right - for those of you who no longer know
what I am talking about - is the
"Jack of Trump" and it is the highest card out there.
Nothing beats it!

So trials in our life are always trumped by what God's plan for our life is (THE RIGHT)!

Sometimes they are there to teach us, sometimes to help someone else, sometimes to bring us back in line with God, and sometimes they are just schemes of our mortal enemy - but even those are TRUMPED by what God intends for GOOD!

I hope you will check in and see how the ride is going and that somehow I might be able to remind you that God intended for us to enjoy life and to live more abundantly, and even though trials may come, and they certainly will come, God is sovereign and has a plan that trumps that trial EVERY TIME!

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