On my way to work, on a very busy street, I approached a traffic
light. As I glanced over to my left, a bird flew down between two cars -
while they were still slowing down - to get the food it
located there on the ground. The cars came to a stop and he continued
to eat and then flew away just as they began to move.

I found myself mesmerized by the boldness of this creature. I honestly could not take my eyes of the scene. This bold and brazen character spotted what he wanted and went after it despite the dangers the vehicles around him represented.
As I drove away from that light, I wondered to myself - Can I be that bold? Can I maintain laser-sighted focus on the prize at hand without considering the dangers or obstacles that try to keep me from obtaining my goals in life? Do I make the choice each day to be bold?
And if I were to be completely transparent, I believe the honest answer to those questions is "sometimes".
So what makes the difference between being bold and going for it or shying away and missing the opportunity? I think there are three things we must do in order to make the leap to being bold in everything that we do.
- Start with a goal - When you start with a goal and you set your mind on accomplishing it, I believe you find that anything is possible. The goal of that bird was to find food. It was a survival instinct, but it was still a goal and he was not willing to let it get away just because a few moving cars were in the way.
- Be prepared - My son is well on his way to becoming an eagle scout and their motto is perfect for all of us in life..."Be prepared". Know what you could be facing and prepare yourself mentally, physically and even spiritually to see you accomplishing that goal. Clear your mind of the negative thoughts and prepare to get the prize.
- Know your obstacles - You WILL have obstacles with every goal you set. Something or someone will always try to stop you from achieving it. In being prepared, part of that should include knowing what might stand in the way of your success and have a plan to combat those things and be bold to stand up to them or move them out of your way!
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