Thursday, December 22, 2011

THIS trial is trumped

Today is another day.  A friend of mine and I joke...just another day in paradise.  We are being truly sarcastic when we say it, but the fact of the matter can be very hard.  We live in a truly fallen world.  We face giants everyday.  We struggle.  We fight.  We even give up sometimes.  

I don't know what you face this holiday season, but whatever it is - emotional, physical, financial or spiritual - we must remember that Jesus was the best gift ever. God gave His only son to us so that we could triumph over the enemy.  Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy (and a lot of us feel destroyed these days) but God says, what Satan intended for evil, God meant for good. 

It might not feel like it, look like, or even seem possible for good to come of it, but hold fast that God's word is true.

No matter what mess any of us faces this Christmas, the Son of God has trumped it. I saw someone post this Christmas song, which really speaks to this issue;

"Veil'd in flesh, the Godhead see;
Hail, th'incarnate Deity:
Pleased, as man, with men to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel!"

May you find that the baby in a manger is really your savior who is a warrior fighting on your behalf today.  THIS trial will be trumped.

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