Friday, December 16, 2011

The Bah Hum Bug Strikes

Has your household been hit by the bah hum bug this year?  It appears to be contagious and is spreading quickly from household to household.  It is said to be brought on by hours of shopping for presents, wrapping gifts, running around, spending money, watching daylight leave by 6:00 pm, over tired children, lack of sleep, insane schedules, never ending christmas songs (you know the same ones over and over again!), that crazy elf on the shelf, having to do 3 days on the advent calendar in one day because you forgot and too many overachieving people who make you feel inadequate...

Is that what Christmas looks like to you these days?

Well, my house has become a victim to this awful bug...

We are exhausted, over stressed and despite the fact that I wanted this holiday season to be one of getting back to the basics and truly enjoying the season...we have let the world around us dictate our schedules, priorities and even our checkbooks.  Bah humbug!

So today, I am going to start the medicine to resist this bug by pausing for a moment to reflect on the fact that we are supposed to be celebrating a wonderful gift, a baby sent by God to show us the way, a truly beautiful expression of sacrificial love.  And I think it is also good to remember that we do not serve a baby in a manger, but rather a risen savior who knows everything we feel and fully understands our emotions and our human desires. Even the ones spurred on by the bah hum bug.  

So even as type this I plan to daily take my remembering the reason for the season and making an intentional effort to pause, reflect and enjoy the peace that was brought into this world on a holy night so many years ago.

I pray that this season becomes one of peace for you and your family and that somehow we manage to let Jesus shine out in all of us so that He can cure someone's case of the bah hum bugs.

Here's to finding peace in the midst of this storm called life.

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