Thursday, February 23, 2012

Speaking of Speaking...

Sometimes when I sit to write, I truly wonder what I could possibly have to say today that has not already been said by so many before me.  I mean we have thousands of years of amazing literature available at our fingertips, so why even bother.  But then that still small voice inside me reminds me that Jesus is still speaking through people today and that includes me.  So I sit with my browser open, the keyboard in front of me and I ask God to show me what He wants to say. 

Most of the time however, what He is speaking to me is just for me - or so I think.  Then when I share it with someone, they tell me that they are going through the same exact thing and needed to hear my perspective and God's voice in the situation.  One friend even said - you have a direct line to God so I am coming to you when I need help.  And this really saddened me.  Not because what was said was wrong exactly, but rather that they did not realize they have the same direct line available to them at a moment's notice.

I am not special, other than in the fact that Jesus loves me.

I do not have all the answers, I just know the one who does.

I am not super spiritual, I am just another sinner saved by grace.

I am not anything special - I just know who I belong to and in Him I find my identity.

I do however, choose to have a relationship with my heavenly Father.  Not as good as I want it to be yet, but better than it was yesterday, last week or last year.  And because we have a relationship (meaning we spend time together) I get to know Him and hear what He has to say.  This is where the "direct line" comes into play.  But the fact of the matter is we can all have a direct line to Him.  It is always available to us if we choose to sit down and listen.

God wants to talk to you.  Has anyone ever told you that?  Do you really believe it?  If not, hear HIM as I write this now.  God desires to have a relationship with you.  One in which you can freely talk to Him about ANYTHING and then listen and He will speak to you as well.  He will show up if you do.

Just sayin'!

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