Sunday, September 9, 2012

Macro vs Micro

In thinking about this subject I poked around on the internet, because you know that is what we all do when we are researching anything these days...

Interesting thing about it is that one of the first mentions was from a blog post about gaming.  I found this titillating, as I am not a gamer AT ALL, but I have tons of friends who are.  But the context of this subject in the gaming world fit in so perfectly with what I was thinking.

It is the macro not the micro that is important in life.  You can lose a micro battle and still win the can focus on the little stuff and miss the main point all together and find yourself at the end of the game without any more lives left.

My pastors always say, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."  That is a macro point of view.  It is a high level view that keeps you on track instead of getting derailed by the millions of details and things that must get done along the way.

But this is VERY hard for me to do these days.  Mostly in my job, which then bleeds over into my personal life - which is incredibly frustrating for me.  I used to be a big picture kind of person at my job.  I was the one with the strategy and the ideas, and I had people who were responsible for executing that strategy.  This has changed over the last decade and I find myself being required to look at the details and implement the strategy and with only so many hours in a day, I spend my time focused on making sure everything is in place and all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

It is really hard to step back and look at the panoramic view of how what I am doing in the trenches (micro) is helping the company to win the war (macro).  I feel as though I have become an ant.  Carrying out the tasks that someone else defines.  This is not what I used to be.  And it is not what I need to be for those around me in my everyday life either.

I want to be a bird - no an EAGLE - flying high and soaring the skies looking over the landscape and making decisions that will help myself and others execute on the day to day tasks. I want to see and hear what God is doing in the macro so that I can do what He wants me to do in the things that I have to do daily in the micro.

But Paul even said, I do the things I do not want to do and do not do the things I know I am supposed to do, so I suppose I am in good company at least...until another day...I will try to soar and still manage the small stuff without sweating it!

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