Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giving thanks for emotions - Day 14


Happy.  Sad.  Conflicted.  Confused.  Frustrated.  Elated.  Humored.  Angry. 

And these are just to name a few.  I think I have experienced them all in the last 48 hours.  Life is hard.  Sometimes REALLY hard, and our emotions can get the best of us. 

That brings me back to my emotional state of mind for the past two days.  I am a sensitive person.  I cry when I am angry, frustrated or sad.  AND I CANNOT STAND IT!  It is so maddening to not be able to control my own tear ducts no matter how badly I want to.  This crying business is highly frowned upon in the working world too, so that makes my struggle that much harder.  So I fight to maintain control all day long until I finally get into the car and then my friend calls - and she ALWAYS calls when I am at the breaking point. It is like she has a 6th sense about this and she says those messy words, "How's my friend?" And I simply come unglued. 

How does she know that?  How does she always seem to nail that perfect moment...and yet, I rarely reciprocate that for her?  I don't know, I guess it is a God thing and I will just keep asking Him to help me be there for her when she needs me :)  But regardless, she never fails to help me experience my FAVORITE emotion - laughter through tears. 

She reminds me that really all this STUFF is just the small stuff and we laugh about life and our struggles and the good old days.  She is precious and I am forever grateful that God saw fit to gift me with a forever friend.

So, since God gave us the emotions - even the negative ones - I am going to take a step back from this crazy couple of days, stop and thank Him for giving all these emotions (good and bad) to me.  He never told us our emotions were wrong, He simply told us not to sin in the emotion.  Now, I say "simply" knowing full well that it is anything but simple to keep from sinning in our emotions.  But nonetheless, I shall be grateful and try. 

Oh yeah and on a side note...God gave me a bonus today in that I got the best belly laughs out of my son tonight and it rocked!  So I guess it is true, "all things work together for good, to those who love the LORD and are called according to His purpose."

Emotions...they truly are the spice of life!

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