Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Giving thanks for time - Days 12 and 13

Yep, sometimes the days get away from you, and before you know it you are sitting down to write and then you fall asleep.  Yep, been one of those weeks and so today you get the blessing of a 2 for 1 kinda deal on this giving thanks concept.

Both yesterday and today I am focusing on the gift of time.  It is something I often don't feel I have enough of, and most of the time I wish I could get my hands on some more of, but nonetheless it is a gift we all have and should learn to steward wisely.

I don't claim to have this skill mastered, as a matter of fact, I feel I have so much more to learn.  But God willing, I will have just the right amount of it to get this figured out :)

I find myself struggling to hold on to the precious moments with my children to catch  glimpses of the babies they once were within the young man and woman I see before me now.  Time marches on and I look for those signs as I watch them grow up right before my eyes. 

I am grateful for the time I have with them.  The snuggles, the talks, the story time and the dinners with them are precious and fleeting and I long to hold on to every moment - to capture it in my memory - for the days when they can no longer sit on my lap or have the desire to tell me all about the day.

I want to put my head on the pillow each night feeling like I lived life.  Like I lived well.  And like I was faithful with what I had.  Maybe it is the middle of my life's situation that is making me nostalgic, or maybe it is just wisdom that shows me how precious life is and that I should live each day as such.  The good, the bad and the ugly days all have meaning and purpose.

Lord, help me to find the value in every moment of this gift of life! 

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