Monday, November 26, 2012

Giving thanks for the quiet - Day 20

Ok, so I have totally blown the blog a day thing I planned...Thanksgiving took its toll on my writing time, but I still intend to do this thing, so I will continue even though today is the 26th of November...what can I say, sometimes, life is well, a little off kilter - and so am I - my friends can attest to that.

So today I mentioned being thankful for the quiet.  There are several facets to this one for me as it was a busy holiday week with family - and friends who might as well be family (you know who you are).  My house was full of food, fun, laughter, smiles, hugs, whining, coughs, stomach aches, tears and frustrated people.  Norman Rockwell might not use us as a model for one of his paintings, but alas they are my family and I love them all.  The other side to this coin is that I have since learned that I can actually survive without a cell phone.  Shocker I know.  But it is possible.

A few weeks ago, my cell phone died and I have been using a backup phone with limited capability, so the latest water incident was preceded by a kind of weening myself into having no phone whatsoever.  My back up phone is currently residing in a rice bed within the confines of a ziplock bag and we are hoping for a revival in the next day or so.  But truthfully, I am not holding my breath. 

But I actually have survived now for almost 2 whole days without the use of a cell phone.  No email, no facebook, no blogging, no pictures, nothing.  Just silence.  A long commute in the morning usually accompanied by conversations with my friends, instead lead to an extended prayer conversation with my daddy.  It was awesome.  I am looking at the silver lining of this situation to remind me that life existed before cell phones and continues to go on despite my lack of communication technology.

So now I am sitting in a quiet home where the laughter and tears have left their lingering sounds only in my mind and enjoying the fact that I have been given the very awesome opportunity to be still and know that He is God.  I also know that I can ride in silence with my thoughts and I will survive in what initially seems like the deafening quiet.  At first is seems to be so loud that I may never be able to drown out all the voices, but eventually, the still, small, quiet voice of the Lord breaks through and the sound is sweet to my soul.

Thank you Lord for this precious experience.  May I never forget it and always seek to spend quiet time with you.  And may I appreciate my communication technology even more whenever I have access to it again! 

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