Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving thanks for swiss cake rolls - Day 19

Ok, so I know it sounds silly to give thanks to a snack cake, especially in light of the recent issues with Hostess in the news this week...however, swiss cake rolls hold a profoundly prominent position in my life overall.

You see, when I was in high school, there was once this great lunch table.  It not only served its purpose in giving us a place to sit and eat - which was a great privilege to those of us who attended Mt. Paran the first year where we ate lunch in the balcony - but it also provided an environment that fostered a number of my friendships to become life long.

We were like most high schoolers really.  We laughed, teased, and fought for position.  But the lunch table was sacred turf.  It was where we came together to swap swag.  This is where the swiss cake rolls come in.

My forever friend, Fer Fer, always brought in swiss cake rolls.  And often (almost every day) Adam (my now husband) would try to con her out of them.  But she would eat one and save the other for me :)  She and I learned that we had a yin and yang kinda friendship.  It seems that we have opposite tastes in snack foods and we could share most things because I would always eat the things she didn't like and vice versa.  But we shared a love for the sacred swiss cake roll - much to my husband's dismay at the time!

We also determined that we shared some of the same idiosyncrasies that go along with eating certain foods.  And the swiss cake roll was no exception.  There is a fine art to properly eating one and she and I mastered it.  I shall save that for an in person story ;)

But this weekend that sweet husband of mine brought swiss cake rolls home and it is so funny how something so silly can trigger all those emotions and memories.  Memories of a precious few years that we spent in our youth learning who we were so we could become who we are.  Memories of the man I would one day marry and the friends that I still have in my life today.

So today, I am grateful for the swiss cake roll, as it stands as a symbol of all the fun and wonderful times I knew from my lunch table.

Oh and by the way, I did just eat one - the proper way!

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