Thursday, November 8, 2012

Giving thanks for uniqueness - Day 8


It is a strange little word.  It is powerful.  It is mysterious.  It is full of life.  It is special.  It is, at times, trying.  It is a blessing. 

We often hear the use of the phrase "comparing apples to apples" and never even stop to think just how different apples can be from one another.  Some are pink, some red, some green and some yellow.  Then you can talk about the shapes and sizes and the combinations of the above, and you have lots of variety.  And although they are all apples, they are each unique, different, one of kind creations made for the mere purpose of enjoying their deliciousness. 

Today I was thinking about how much we are like apples.  We are humans, there are men, there are women.  We are mommies, we are daddies, we are sons, we are daughters - and yet we are all different.  Each one unique and with no exact match anywhere on earth.  Even twins who look, act and talk alike are unique in many other ways. 

God likes variety.  He LOVES diversity.  He created each one of us to be unique and different with skills, talents, habits, thoughts, emotions, and desires to go along with the package. 

I look at the two sweet little ones that I love so much.  Same parents, same house hold, same rules, same values, and yet they are SO unique.  I LOVE THAT!  And I love that they react differently to circumstances, they respond in unique fashion and they are the perfect expression of how difficult it really is for us to be good parents without the help of the very one who created us.  He knows their uniqueness, and the best way to help them become the man and woman of God He is calling them to be.  How would I know how to be a good mommy to either one of them without first realizing that I am completely reliant upon the knowledge that their creator has about them?

Thank you LORD for helping me to appreciate the gift of uniqueness and the opportunity it offers me to realize my need to be totally dependent upon you.

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