Tuesday, January 21, 2014

At the end of your rope

Ever have one of those days.  A day where you feel like you are literally at the end of your rope.  The dinner is boiling over on the stove, the kids are screaming at each other, friends you thought would be there are just no where to be found and you are just not sure where you see God or His Grace in anything you are doing? 

No?  Me either!

Yeah right...

I know we have all been there.  Days like that come along all too often.  Sometimes it isn't even all THAT bad, but rather just a day where you feel distant and remote from the love and grace of God.  Those days, IMHO, are just as tough as the one I opened this up with.  Those days are the days where you are just getting by.  No joy, no peace, no real feelings of purpose.  Those are dark days and days where you really need to know that the GRACE of God is truly sufficient.  Those days are the reminders that you do not have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps to make it, you simply have to look up and see that God is right there. 

His grace covers a multitude of sins (yours, mine and others).  His love extends to the farthest reaches of this world and will pick you up out of the dirtiest of mud puddles, clean you up and set you back on the right path.

You are a King's Kid.  Actually you are THE King's Kid.  And He would fight through every terrible horrible situation and hurdle just to find you and tell you that He loves you.  THAT is a King I want to serve.  A King that will find me at the end of my rope and not only show me to safety when I ask, but will even come looking for me when I don't.

That is hope.  That is peace.  That is grace.  You find it when you are at the end of your rope and reach out to take His hand.  May you find that peace today no matter what your situation, trial or day looks like.  

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