Thursday, August 5, 2021

Where do you hang your hat?

Since I am in between seasons in EVERY area of my life at the moment - this phrase hit me hard - right between the eyes. Where do you hang your hat Sherry?  

So often we think in terms of where you live - your house, apartment, the place you go at the end of the day and call "home".

But in this world, so often we spend more time where we work than where we live - well that was until 2020 came crashing into our lives and work and home intertwined in a way like never before - and what we used to call "working from home", quite literally became "living at work".  

I am living through an in between like no other.  I have had many in betweens in this crazy messed up life and they are all rather uncomfortable because lets face it - we all want to control the uncontrollable. But when things happen to us and we feel like we are losing control, sometimes the very best thing to do is to remember that you are not falling apart, but that God is doing a new thing and you just need to surrender.

I need a new place to hang my hat in almost every area of my life, so instead of trying to control it all and bend this world to my will, I want to change my perspective and live a life that shows that I understand that where I hang my hat is the dwelling place that scripture speaks of - the refuge, shelter and sense of belonging and home that can only be found in my heavenly Father.  

"Dwelling" or "Dwelling Place"...the writers of Psalms use it several times to describe the God of the universe.  They remind us that God is our dwelling place, our refuge, the true origination of the "feeling at home".  

How can one so magnificent, so vast and expansive, so holy and so pure be a safe place, a dwelling place, a refuge - a place to hang my dirty, sinful, stained, wrinkled and wretched hat?  

Because He loves me.  He loves me like no other.  He bought this dirty, sinful, stained, wrinkled and wretched hat.  He has a plan for me.  He knows my every need and desire of my heart.  He knows what I was designed to do.  He knows my pain.  He knows my fears.  He knows my insecurity. He knows my joys.  He knows my struggles.  He knows my shortcomings.  He knows my strengths.  He knows it all - and yet - He chose me.  He loves me.  

I needed a reminder that my identity is in WHOSE I am not WHAT I am or what I can DO - or even where I hang my hat - as long as I chose to hang it where He is - my dwelling place.  

Maybe you needed to hear those words today too.  Everything I just said for me is true for you too.  No matter your circumstances, your choices, your successes and your failures, He knows it all and still loves you too.  He wants to be the place where you hang your hat every day.  He wants to show you all that He has for you.  

Will you let Him show you your real worth, His real plan for you and the beauty in surrendering to the God of the universe as your hat rack?

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