Did you know that as human beings our view of the world and of God changes drastically as we age. As children everything seems either gigantic, or resembles our home life, we believe our parents and God are infallible (of course only one of those is true), then cynical ways set in and we let the world distort our view of who God really is, until finally we realize once again that our Father is in love with His children!
Case in point:
My daughter was talking to a friend the other day about heaven, which they apparently do quite frequently. On this particular day they were discussing what it would look like and what would be there. They concluded that heaven was full of baby dolls, barbie dolls, and little chairs just the right size for them to sit in!
My daughter preceded to argue that the chairs could not be small because if God sat down in them, He would break them! Further exploration of this subject included the size of God...He is huge! "Ginormous"! And finally..."No, He's really only big like daddy"! (A huge kernel of truth in there somewhere!)
My son on the other hand, (a great deal older - according to him!) believes that God is like a super hero, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. He is everywhere, all at once, and able to see and do everything! He doesn't even need a web shooter to get from building to building! He is AWESOME!
So I began to think through this scenario in my own life and what I thought God was like when I was in my teens and twenties...I came up with the fact that most of us see Him as someone to be feared, the limiter of your fun, the rule keeper. Judge, jury and prosecutor all wrapped up into one mean dude!
But Matthew 18:3-4 tells us this...3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Finally maturity sets in (or at least we hope it does) and we begin to see Him just as my little girl does. He is my daddy. He delights in my presence. He loves it when I run to Him when I am hurt AND when I am happy. OF COURSE He wants to sit with us and He WOULD break the little chairs He so lovingly created for us, except for the fact that He IS a superhero who can CHOOSE to limit His powers enough to sit with me and chat when I make time for Him. He IS everywhere, and sees everything, but He does not judge me because I accepted His precious gift - Jesus - and became His little girl.
A full circle of beliefs only to bring me right back to the starting point.

Young Adult: Judge
Where are you in the Cycle of Life: God Style?
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