Friday, May 13, 2011

The trial of transition

I am extremely fortunate enough to have family close by to help raise my precious children.  But we found out early on that the human spirit does not really like to be in a transition period or a state of change.  When my children were younger and they would stay at my parent's, I would pick them up and no matter how much fun we were having, we always had what we called "transition issues"...translated: bad attitudes, melt downs, and just overall grumpiness.  And it happened EVERY SINGLE TIME.  It got to be so "normal" that my mom would even call me later to see how the transition was going.

Well those same children are older now, and although they deal with it better than before, we still have a period of time where they have to readjust to being back home.  Now here is where it gets tricky...we don't have a home right now. We are transitioning from one season of our life into another.  We are the caterpillar in the cocoon, cramped, contained and waiting for a metamorphosis to take place in our lives.  And my entire family is experiencing "Transition Issues".  So everyday is filled with comforting children, reminding them to listen to the words of the Lord for them each day and working through the mostly painful process of uncertainty.

Maybe you have experienced a transitional season and are looking around trying to figure out why this is happening, what is God doing, does He even know what's going on in your life, and from one cocooned caterpillar to another, I want you to know, God does know where you are, what is happening and He loves and cares enough about you to allow you to walk through this season.  You are not alone and He will bring light and comfort if you reach for Him in the dark night. 

1 comment:

Sherry Grote said...

So Sunday God chose to bring this subject up again. He gave me a word for those in transition, He simply said, "I have placed you on a solid rock, the rock I chose for you and you are firmly planted and not falling. The ground is not shifting and your world is not collapsing around you. I am not only there in the midst of your circumstances, but I have firmly placed you there. Rely on me and my strength and find peace because I am your peace." Just wanted to share this with you too :) It is not just for me, but for all of you as well.