Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The middle

There is a time in every person's life when you realize that there is far more trailing behind you than there is lying before you.  At this poignant, precise moment when the world seems to be slipping away, it is then that you have a significant choice to make.  You can decide to just ride the wave until it reaches the shore and slip onto the sand for your eternal rest or choose to get up each day, venture out and find the new and wonderful experiences filled with joy, awe, wonder and amazement.  Some say you should come in sliding sideways and enjoying the ride.  It is a choice.

Your happiness in this life has little or nothing to do with what you do or don't have in life, but rather the gratitude you express for that which you DO have - a family, a friend, a home, a savior.

What is it about the middle of your life?  Are we transparent with those around us to realize that the gift of each day brings with it many blessings.  In fact, if we really take a good hard look at who we are when we look in the mirror each morning we would realize that blessings, hard work and even the trials we face are the spice of life, the finer things in life AND the spoils you gain along the way that make you the amazing work of art God designed you to be.

Will you dare to share with your friends, family and co-workers?  I challenge you to show them that life is a gift, and one that should be enjoyed no matter the circumstances.  Tomorrow you may not have the gift...will you have enjoyed what you had?

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