Monday, November 12, 2012

Giving thanks for laughter - Day 11

Yesterday was an amazing family day.

You know those days you see in the movies where people are perfect, the weather is perfect and life seems to be perfect.  Yeah, it was one of those days.  Only we aren't perfect and yet, we truly enjoyed one another.  After church, we spent the afternoon playing outside, throwing Frisbees, burning stumps and watching my favorite video for this time of year - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.  A red letter day to be sure.

But, the BEST part of the day involved the sound of laughter from both of my beautiful blondies.  My girl happens to be one of those whimsical kids who laughs all the time.  The sound of her voice and the pitch of her laughter can set me to giggling right along with her.  My son however, is a little more serious and it is more on the rare occasion that you get to hear him let out a real belly laugh.

Yesterday, I got to hear them both.  My daughter almost snorted out her milk from laughing at something her daddy said and my son giggled profusely as he and I sat on the couch, snuggled under a blanket, trying desperately to prevent ourselves from reciting the lines from the movie together since the other two had asked us to "please stop".  He and I snickered and giggled and flat out laughed out loud from the scene.

It was a precious day and I am thankful for the sound of their laughter as a gentle reminder that life IS fun(ny) and there is always something to be grateful for.  

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