Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Giving thanks for a personal radiator - Day 6

It is a rainy day in November.  No sunshine to be found.  And if you recall, I am solar powered.  So today, election day, I have been in a somewhat antsy state due to the weather and the fact that I will have to trust that the Lord really does have a plan and He is sovereign.

And as the day wore on, I got chilled to the bone.

For those of you who know our family, you know we keep the house COLD.  And today was no exception.  And by the time my hubby got home, I was actually shivering despite my warm blankets.

So we put the kids to bed and got ready to turn on a movie (one of the main benefits of not having tv - we didn't have to watch election results come in).  I turned to my hubby and simply said, "Come snuggle me", which is a phrase heard often in our house by our kids and each other.  But tonight I had an ulterior motive (minds out of the gutter please!)

You see, for as long as I can remember in our life together, I have called Adam my personal radiator.  He is ALWAYS warm.  At night he even crawls into bed first and warms it up for me - I love that!  And today, in this journey of thanks giving, I am grateful for the fact that since I always seem to be cold, God has given me a soulmate who is always warm :)  We are a good match and I thank God for that every day!

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