Friday, February 15, 2013

Tabernacle Treasure


Sometimes reading the old testament is hard. Names I cannot pronounce. Places I have never been to and soooo much detail in the rules and regulations. But did you ever stop to realize how much detail went into God's instructions to Moses on how to build the tabernacle in the wilderness? I mean God told him everything right down to the last detail of color, size, clothing to be worn, worship styles and decorations.

So I started thinking today as I read all that info - I still want to know what a cubit is - and what the Holy Spirit whispered, no - SHOUTED, in my ear was that if He was so concerned with how a temporary, deteriorating, destructible infrastructure looked in the much more is He concerned with this holy tabernacle named Sherry that now holds His Spirit and in which He dwells today. I mean, He created me to look the way I look, talk the way I talk, think the way I think because He knew that one day I would be His dwelling place. I am chosen. I am divinely designed. I am a beautiful representation of what He sees.

Now, it is up to me to continue to allow Him to restore, redeem and redesign the parts I have destroyed by not living wholly devoted to Him!

And the really cool thing is that you were specially designed too! Will you let Him restore, redeem and rebuild your broken places???

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