Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Repentance

I have always viewed this holiday as one that was created by Hallmark to infuse winter sales of "lovey" merchandise.  My husband and I, although we adore one another, have never really put much stock in this day.  Restaurants are crowded, it is expensive to buy roses in February and we think we should show each other how much we love each other every day, not just on special occasions.

But yesterday and this morning it dawned on me that the ones who have a Valentine are usually the ones who gloss over this day.  Whereas the ones who don't, feel sorrow and loneliness.  What a great divide.  Most of us truly don't appreciate what we have until it is gone.  And we always think the grass is greener on the other which my forever friend and I always say, if that is how you see it...water your own grass!

To all my single friends out there, to you I want to say this: Remember that you do have a Valentine if you love the Lord.  He is the very picture and essence of love, so reach out and tell Him how much you love Him.  And look around today and see all the kisses from heaven that He sends you throughout the day.  There are more than you probably even realize.  It is not about the flowers, the chocolate or the dinner is about a life lived to the fullness knowing that you are the apple of your Valentine's eye - the very creator of the heavens and the earth!

To all my married friends out there, to you I say: Remember that since you have been loved so much by your heavenly Valentine, you should extend that love to your spouse.  Find the good in them, look them in the eye and listen to what they have to say.  Hug each other, care for each other, and serve each other.   The Bible says they will know we are His disciples by our love.  So, I challenge you to let your marriage be the example to your world of God's love as you show others God's love and grace through your loving marriage.

After that, I guess I need to repent and change my attitude about this holiday and not only be exceedingly grateful for the love of my life but also to pray that God will shine in this world through my love for my husband.  He is, after all, the ultimate teddy bear and I pray that we will be a good example too!

So HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all of you and whether married, dating or single - remember that your first love (God) shows you how to truly love everyone else!

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