Monday, May 12, 2014

Best of Intentions

It's funny really.  I think we all have the best of intentions in mind when  we set out to do something.  I don't really think that many of us get up and say "how can I make this day hard for myself and everyone else around me?"  I think stuff just happens.  But it is how we handle the stuff that shows our true character and allows us to trump the trial.

Most of you know that the last 6 weeks have been challenging.  God is giving me new ways to be grateful and to find out how much more He wants to teach me in this life.

But I digress.

Today was mother's day.  A celebration of the life that God has given to our family, the reminder of the good things that we do when we bring a child into this world.  A joyful expression of love to the ones who raised us and loved us and helped carve us into the mom's we are today.

And I felt like I was pushing a rock up hill all day. Not that everything was bad as a matter of fact, it was pretty funny.

Back to the intentions.  I tried to do something nice.  I planned an evening with my mom.  First it was dinner, then that morphed into let's go the movies...just you and me.  You see, she was my best friend.  And now, life being what it is for her and for me, we don't get to spend much time with "just us".  So here is where the adventure begins.

I get online, find the movie we want to see, make arrangements for my crew to have dinner and a movie at home, throw in a load of laundry and walk out the door.  Only to realize - AFTER I got to her home - that I had forgotten her present.  But that is just the beginning.  I pick her up, we arrive at the theater only to find out the movie we want is at another theater down the road, so off we drive to the other location.  We arrive there only to find out we can't sit together in that movie because it is sold out except for two seats on opposite sides of the theater.  (Side Note: I didn't even know they had assigned seating at the movies these days- I was shocked! And sitting that far apart would make sharing popcorn, just a bit more difficult!)

So we head back to the original theater, select a movie, go in and watch the first 40 minutes before we determined that we really wanted to laugh we pack up and head down the hall to try to find the other movie we wanted to see.  We sit down thinking we had the right theater, only to find out that the movie was playing in two theaters, an hour apart...and we missed the first hour of the movie.  So we watched the beginning of one movie and the end of another - and neither of them was the movie I really wanted to see!

In the end, we laughed about it.  But my grandiose idea of this fun night out with my mom, turned out to be a comical representation of what it must be like for God when we tell Him - Here's my plan, will you bless it?

I had good intentions.  I planned ahead. But the plan didn't work out as expected.  However, the end result was probably better.  I still was able to spend time with just my mom.  We laughed.  We now have a great memory and a funny story to tell about the night we saw two movies - well sort of anyway!

Happy Mother's Day to all the other crazy mom's like me!  Celebrate the crazy and live life to the fullest.

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