Friday, October 24, 2014

Lonely? Welcome to the Club

Unlovely.  Unseen. Lonely.
Life can throw you under the bus - many times over.

It's true, you know it is.  I have seen it happen over and over again.  And it can leave you feeling unloved, unseen and lonely.  Welcome to the club no one wants to talk about and the enemy certainly doesn't want you to share with.


It is a deep, sad place to be. But God....two of my most favorite words in the Bible..."BUT GOD!"

God is a God of Love.  Seer of the unseen.  Lover of my soul.

So why do we feel lonely?  Why do we feel as if we are the only ones who have ever walked this road before?  Truth - if you (and I) can handle it.  I am (and you are) the only one(s) who have walked this path.  It is the path He destined me for.  I was made for this.  I am in the center of His will.  AND YET...I feel  lonely. And so do many others.

It is such a good thing to know that Jesus felt that way too.  He faced the biggest "crisis" of his life - the cross, and He continually asked His disciples..."Could you not tarry one hour?"  He was about to give His life for them and they could not even stay awake to support Him in His hour of need.  Now, I am not saying my friends are not there for me...they are.  But they are not walking this path, I am.  It is me and God.  It is our fight and how much more does He understand this emptiness I sometimes feel?

I am so grateful that He not only knows me, but loves me through ALL my emotions and ups and downs.  

Friends and family are a great reminder of His love.  But that hole in our hearts that we try to fill with everything but Jesus...guilty pleasures, love from others, people pleasing, mind-numbing activities...those are only a temporary fix.  Jesus is the perfect size to fill that hole.  It is a God-sized hole and only He can fill it fully. 

He tells us that sometimes the lonely times are there to remind us of all the good things in our lives.  It is the time when we should press into Him to find that He is all that we really need.  Thank you Jesus for loving me through my mess into the perfect and abundant life that you have for me.  I know that I am not alone, even when I do feel lonely.  And thank you for teaching me to be a seer of the unseen through my experiences of this life. 

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