Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Force is NOT with Me

Some days you got it and some days you don't!  The force that is.  The energy, smarts, know how and ingenuity to get things done like never before. 

Today, the force is not with me, this whole month in fact it is not with me!  I am getting things done because I HAVE to, not because I want to. Ever felt that way? Am I alone in this?

Ever felt like you were simply going to collapse from the sheer exhaustion you were under?  Maybe work is strenuous, home is insane, and you are not sleeping.  Whatever the reason for it, there is a better way.  God did not intend for us to work ourselves to death.  He merely wants us to give everything we do our all, and then take a break to relax and refresh and renew our minds and bodies.  That's why He created and modeled a sabbath for us to follow.

However, that is easier said than done.  It takes discipline to follow His plan and rest.  More things need to be accomplished on the other days so you can actually rest on the sabbath.  This is a fairly new concept for me and as one who has a difficult time sitting still, this is extremely challenging for me.  I find that life on the run is more comfortable, until I reach the point of utter exhaustion.

Then I am so tired, that I either collapse into bed as soon as the kids are asleep or I get sick.  Neither option is really all that great.  So why is it so hard to follow His command and His example?  Is it a need to do things in order to find self worth?  Is it because I am afraid of what He might say if I slow down long enough to rest?  Am I scared He might actually make me move forward with the plans He seems to be laying out there for me?  Busyness...that is the way to keep His still small voice from being heard. 

Today I resolve to use a different FORCE and choose to stop, listen and pay attention - intentionally trying to hear that still small voice.  In it contains the rest I crave, the directions I need and the information I seek.  Thank you Lord for showing me YOUR force is not forceful, but is powerful none the less.

1 comment:

Steeeeeve!! said...

Amen! Great word Sherry!! Thank you for encouraging the Body with His truth!!!