Monday, August 5, 2013

Sleep Evasion

Sleep evades me tonight.

I have many projects going on around the house and it seems that between my job, the kids starting school, a new animal in the family and a wonderful new place to sit and think...well, I just can't seem to go to sleep.

I know that no one else out there has this problem.  And I KNOW it doesn't run in my family (wink wink)...but tonight feels different.

It is almost as though things are shifting in our lives and with that wonderful, odd sensation, there is an amazing sense of anticipation.

I wonder tonight if God is telling me to watch out.  Keep watch.  Anticipate.  Be excited. Pray.  Discern.  Look and Listen because I am up to something.

The winds of change are blowing.  I know not yet if they are gentle or forceful...but after the last week of insanity, I think they are hurricane style.  So tonight after I send these thoughts off into the computer world, I will batten down the hatches within my home and my mind and prepare for rain.  The kind of rain that drenches everything through and through.  And I will welcome them as the latter rains that will bring with them a harvest that is more than I can possible dream or imagine.

But once the sleep does come -  I pray that dreams of what is yet to be will invade my thoughts - and yours.  Because God is calling His people to let our imaginations run wild while He directs our path into the next season. 

I want to dreams dreams that only God can fulfill.  I want to achieve things no one says can be done.  Not so that anyone things I am anything special, but so that they can see that even if a silly sheep like me can do great things for the glory of can they - no matter how young or old.  Let me be the example of what God can do with so little.

Good night my friends and may you dream big and sleep well.

Yours truly!

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