Trials Trumped
No matter the trial in your life, there is a hope! A hope of trumping it and being victorious.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
PIllar of Shame
Friday, June 28, 2024
Hole-y Caregivers!
As a caregiver, I've held many titles.
Wife, mother, daughter, friend, leader.
But none have defined me as much as this one.
Over the last decade, caregiving has been the most challenging role I've ever held.
During my recent trip to Italy, I learned that only 30% of the Colosseum is still standing today, with the iron rods removed, leaving many holes in the structure. It was awe-inspiring to see even that 30% standing strong.Returning to my everyday life, I reflected on the things that have been depleted in my own journey as a caregiver - just like the iron from those walls. But God - my two favorite words gives me faith, along with the support of friends and family, to fortify me.
Despite feeling weary, I am reminded of the resilient spirit of the Colosseum's walls. Like them, I will press on, move forward, and not grow weary in well-doing.
To my fellow caregivers worldwide, remember that you are still standing. Find ways to rest, rejuvenate, and bless others along the way. Together, we can navigate the never-ending list of caregiving tasks with strength and grace.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
The hand you are dealt
Playing at the game of life has its challenges but you should never have to gamble your physical - or mental - health for the sake of going all in.
So how do you go all in at work and not be all consumed to the point of exhaustion and burnout or worst yet the dreaded quiet quitting?Working - and living - in a start-up (or start-up with legs) culture for most of my career, I have learned several things - most of them from my many trips to Vegas (my least favorite city BTW).
Go all in and play the game, give it your all, AND walk away a winner with your sanity mostly intact.
Every hand's a winner.
Why? Because we get to choose to look at life through the lens of positivity. Our mentality determines our reality. Our thoughts determine our actions and our actions determine our outcomes. So look at your cards, find a way to see the possibility and then play the hand you were dealt.
In your current role and situation, there may be significant challenges. So choose to see the positives including the lessons you are learning, and find a way to enjoy the journey. You will be happier and healthier.
Bet on yourself.
You have everything that you need at your fingertips to win at the game of life. There will be highs, there will be lows, but if you keep moving forward, do the right things and believe in what you can accomplish - you will win every single time because even a failure is just an opportunity to learn and get better the next time.
Advocate for yourself and ask the right questions. What does success look like? How do I get X resources to deliver Y results? And never be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
Work together with those at the table, beat the dealer, and everyone wins.
Teamwork is important. It may mean you won't always win at that moment, but if you work together, you can bend the will of the cards in favor of the table - causing the dealer to bust. The moment you think only of yourself, you put everyone at the mercy of the cards and the dealer. Stop always showing your poker face and be real with the people around you. Choose teamwork and help others win with you along the way.
Cash in your chips when you are ahead.
It's easy to keep chasing the high you get from the win. But how much sweeter is it to stop when you are ahead, put the chips in your pocket and walk away with more than you came with. Even if the "more" is wisdom from a failure, friendship from the team you were in, or watching someone you helped win at their game.
Think about the hand you have been dealt.
Will you see the good in it, choose to believe in yourself, work with those around you, and cash in when you are ahead? If you do then maybe, just maybe, you will not only survive, but thrive in this world.
I'm all in - how about you
Thursday, March 16, 2023
'As you go' life lessons
1. In the right order things can be made simple.
Boil noodles and drain
Brown meat add back to the pot
Add sauce and spices
Mix in meat, noodles and cheese
Voila - One pot to clean!
This is true for recipes and teams. Get lots of ideas, bring the smart people in the room and watch the magic happen when they build upon an idea and make it even better.
3. Don’t freak out when it looks messy - trust the process.
Everything was coming together, but the cheese was stringy and it was looking like it would not melt. I started to freak out (even though it tasted good) aren't we silly creatures sometimes. But continued low heat and constant stirring did the trick and the consistency was perfect!
3. Patience produces a wonderful result!
Frustration started rising yet I persevered. And even through the heat - the test, the trial, the conflict and the challenges - if you keep your cool and let them do their work - temperature and pressure create beauty like diamonds and amazing dinners too because God knows what He is doing.
In the end I had dinner with my kids and the payoff was...I forgot about the stresses of the day and enjoyed hearing about their worlds.
What can you learn from making dinner for your family? Apparently a whole bunch!
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Our family spent quality time in the ocean this summer with every day filled with playing, laughing, swimming, paddling and generally just hanging out in the ocean waves.
There were many firsts that week:
- The first time my kids found live sand dollars by the thousands
- The first time my husband rode a paddle board
- The first time my kids saw a manatee swimming in the ocean next to them
- The first time one of them had ridden a jet ski
- The first time they kayaked in the intercoastal waterway
- The first time my car held two paddle boards and a kayak as I drove over the intercoastal waterway with the hatchback open - making the drawbridge operators smile every time I went by!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Words mean things
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Where do you hang your hat?
Since I am in between seasons in EVERY area of my life at the moment - this phrase hit me hard - right between the eyes. Where do you hang your hat Sherry?
So often we think in terms of where you live - your house, apartment, the place you go at the end of the day and call "home".
But in this world, so often we spend more time where we work than where we live - well that was until 2020 came crashing into our lives and work and home intertwined in a way like never before - and what we used to call "working from home", quite literally became "living at work".
I am living through an in between like no other. I have had many in betweens in this crazy messed up life and they are all rather uncomfortable because lets face it - we all want to control the uncontrollable. But when things happen to us and we feel like we are losing control, sometimes the very best thing to do is to remember that you are not falling apart, but that God is doing a new thing and you just need to surrender.
I need a new place to hang my hat in almost every area of my life, so instead of trying to control it all and bend this world to my will, I want to change my perspective and live a life that shows that I understand that where I hang my hat is the dwelling place that scripture speaks of - the refuge, shelter and sense of belonging and home that can only be found in my heavenly Father.
"Dwelling" or "Dwelling Place"...the writers of Psalms use it several times to describe the God of the universe. They remind us that God is our dwelling place, our refuge, the true origination of the "feeling at home".
How can one so magnificent, so vast and expansive, so holy and so pure be a safe place, a dwelling place, a refuge - a place to hang my dirty, sinful, stained, wrinkled and wretched hat?
Because He loves me. He loves me like no other. He bought this dirty, sinful, stained, wrinkled and wretched hat. He has a plan for me. He knows my every need and desire of my heart. He knows what I was designed to do. He knows my pain. He knows my fears. He knows my insecurity. He knows my joys. He knows my struggles. He knows my shortcomings. He knows my strengths. He knows it all - and yet - He chose me. He loves me.
I needed a reminder that my identity is in WHOSE I am not WHAT I am or what I can DO - or even where I hang my hat - as long as I chose to hang it where He is - my dwelling place.
Maybe you needed to hear those words today too. Everything I just said for me is true for you too. No matter your circumstances, your choices, your successes and your failures, He knows it all and still loves you too. He wants to be the place where you hang your hat every day. He wants to show you all that He has for you.
Will you let Him show you your real worth, His real plan for you and the beauty in surrendering to the God of the universe as your hat rack?
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Significant Six
Six years ago our story would become a new normal.
Six is just shy of seven - the number that signifies completion.
Six is today's anniversary.
March 30th marks six years since our imperfect, incomplete and yet indestructible lives were significantly altered.
I began to wonder today about the number six and what the Bible might offer about this very significant milestone as we remember that God is still good and we fight to find the victory each day. I noticed two major patterns when I searched through mentions of this number in the passages I read.
Six is the number of man and a reminder of our weaknesses.
- On the sixth day God created man.
- In six days God created the world.
- On the sixth day of passover, all sins and judgements were restored.
- The fourth commandment tells us we should work for six days and rest on the seventh.
- God also commanded the Israelites to harvest the land for six years and let it rest the seventh year.
So we will enjoy the significance of six and prepare for seven.